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Achieve Early Morning Workouts

Achieve Early Morning Workouts

Is Working Out In the Morning Even Possible?

The modern way of living has become so demanding that sometimes it seems impossible to go throughout a day without collapsing. In order to keep up, we feel the need to be ready to go at any time and keep our health at peak performance. To achieve this, a proper workout has become mandatory, but numerous every-day obligations don’t leave us with much time to do so. After working or running errands all day it can be hard to find the extra energy to work out. That’s why the ideal time for a workout may be in the morning—starting the day fresh and strong. On the other hand, sometimes we’re not ready to leave the bed earlier, especially on dark and cold mornings.

The most important thing to remember is that these obstacles exist only in your head—once you get used to this regime you’ll reap the wonderful energy-boosting result of a morning exercise. We’ve prepared some tips to make your transition a bit painless.

Persuade Your Brain

As we already said, every bit of resistance you feel is born inside your head. Even the best exercise plans can go down the drain if you tell yourself you won't be able to go through them. That’s why you’ll need to do quite the opposite—picture yourself going through the workout and enjoying it. Feed your brain with images of getting out of bed, relaxed and ready, eager to start the day by exercising. It may seem like a far fetch, but the power of visualization can actually take you very far. If you can imagine yourself doing it, you’ll certainly be able to achieve that goal. Try employing this visualization technique every night before going to bed your attitude towards the workout in the morning will definitely improve.

Prepare the Night Before

Prepare the night before

Visualization will change your process of thinking, but it won’t change the morning itself—it could still be dark and cold. In this kind of atmosphere, it’s very easy to find the excuse to stay in bed, so you need to prepare the night before.

Put your workout clothes along with a filled DYLN Bottle near at hand. Finish your obligations before you go to bed so you won’t have to deal with them in the morning—if you postpone the workout just a little bit, you won’t do it at all. Of course, this doesn’t mean you have to jump out of the bed and start doing pushups immediately. The popular belief that you mustn’t eat before the workout is a myth - healthy breakfast will provide you with fuel and get your metabolism going. You can even allow yourself your morning ‛coffee ritual’ because caffeine can also offer some benefits for the workout at hand. Just don’t linger too long—grabbing a bite and a sip of coffee can be done in ten minutes.

Get Out

Nature can be your greatest ally in your workout regime because it takes away the repetition and the routine of a closed space. When we wake up early it is inevitable to feel a bit stressed, and beautiful morning scenery is a great way to make that stress go away. You can start by talking walks or jogging, but another great way to sweat it all out is to hop on your bike. This way you can go further and change your routes, even hit the hills. Just make sure you have a proper equipment for the journey ahead—a few simple clicks will allow you to easily compare bikes online and find the one that’s perfect for your routes. Then, the only thing left to do is to plunge into the green paradise, sun in your eyes, wind in your hair, and calories out of sight.

Invite a Friend

Invite a Friend

We all know that tasks are easier when you have a friend by your side to help and motivate you. Holding each other accountable means you'll be more likely to follow through. Just be careful who you invite—the friend should be on the same page— also looking for an additional motivation and not just an opportunity to hang around. On the other hand, it would be great if that’s a dear person who you don’t see very often, looking forward to their company will make you more eager to start a workout.

Don’t ‛Snooze’ on This Idea

As you can see, it is possible to work out in the morning without feeling grumpy. The sun is emerging outside and a friend waiting is a perfect opportunity to make your morning a joyous occasion. All it takes is a bit of discipline and keeping your hand away from the snooze button on your alarm clock.

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