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What is alkaline coffee and what are its benefits?

What is alkaline coffee and what are its benefits?

Header Photo by Marta Dzedyshko from Pexels


So you’ve heard about the benefits of alkaline water. Perhaps you’ve started to integrate it into your daily diet. Or maybe you’ve gone even further and embarked on a holistic alkaline diet to improve your pH levels even more — and support your vibrant health.

But have you heard of alkaline coffee? Here’s the low down on what it is, why alkaline coffee is better than your average cup, and how you can make it at home.


What is Alkaline Coffee?


Coffee is not usually recommended as part of an alkaline diet due to its acidic effect on the body. But alkaline coffee is a new way for health-conscious consumers to get their coffee fix.

It’s made from the same natural coffee beans as normal coffee. But it’s enriched with around 16,000 phytonutrients which transform the coffee into an alkalizing drink.

The phytonutrients are added to alkaline coffee in the form of phytoalkaline powder and Complete Phyto-Energizer. Phytoalkaline powder, with all those highly concentrated nutrients, neutralizes acid and allows nutrients from food to be absorbed for efficiently into the body.

Complete Phyto-Energizer is an exceptionally dense food concentrate which contains 131 natural ingredients. It includes 29 vitamins, minerals, and trace minerals; 18 amino acids; 12 green food concentrates; 12 whole food concentrates; 12 whole vegetable concentrates; 12 mushroom concentrates; 12 digestive enzymes; 12 herbs; and 10 essential fatty acids.

Together, these components work to maximize the alkalizing effects of the coffee.



Alkaline coffee on the table


Alkaline coffee tastes just like normal coffee. For many, this makes it more appealing than other low acid coffee alternatives, such as golden milk (made with turmeric) or chicory coffee.

Here are 5 reasons why alkaline coffee is worth welcoming into your life.


1. It Prevents Illness


Alkaline coffee has a number of immune-boosting properties. A stronger immune system means that you body is better able to fight of infections, viruses and even disease. So including this anti-oxidant packed drink in your diet can help you to avoid being susceptible to illness and maintain resilience and good health.

A study published in the World Journal of Hepatology in 2017 found that coffee beans have significant hepatoprotective properties — that is, they are effective at protecting against liver disease. The study showed that drinking coffee regularly can improve liver health and function, and protect against the development of fibrosis, which is the formation of excess connective tissue in an organ.

That study was talking about regular coffee. But it also pointed to some of the downsides of consuming lots of caffeine. Alkaline coffee provides the benefits of coffee beans without such high caffeine intake.

Which leads us to our second point…


2. It’s Lower in Caffeine


Alkaline coffee is lower in caffeine than regular coffee — containing only around 2%. This means that most of the negative side effects associated with drinking coffee can be avoided by replacing your regular grind with an alkaline blend.

Too much caffeine is known to cause issues including anxiety, insomnia, rapid heart rate and high blood pressure. So if you want to look after your health but you’re a daily coffee drinker, it’s certainly an area to address.

Alkaline coffee is also preferable to decaf because it doesn’t have that  slightly chemically taste that lots of decaffeinated coffee has.



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3. It Provides More Sustainable Energy than Regular Coffee


Lower caffeine content and high concentrations of phytonutrients mean that alkaline coffee is very effective when it comes to powering up your energy. And because the energy boost doesn’t come just from caffeine — but largely from those 16,000 phytonutrients — it’s also a longer lasting, more stable energy.

Regular coffee gives you an almost instantaneous energy rush. Which feels great! But that high comes with a low, and the coffee crash is familiar to all regular consumers.

Alkaline coffee gives you a sense of increased energy and vitality but many people find that they only feel the need to drink one cup in order to enjoy that added energy throughout the day. The nutrients within it mean that its energy release is more gradual, and its low caffeine content mean you can avoid the crash.

For this reason, alkaline coffee is used as an anti-fatigue remedy. It’s a healthy way to stay energized when you’re busy, without compromising the stability of your energy levels.  


4. It Can Aid Weight Loss


Alkaline coffee can help if you’re trying to lose weight. It can give you a useful energy boost just before a workout which slightly raises your heart rate and allows your body to burn more calories. And because that energy boost won’t be quickly followed by a crash, it can help you to workout for longer without feeling drained.

In other words, it improves both performance and endurance so that you can get more from your exercise.

And its low caffeine content means that if you want to (because you just love the taste of coffee — we get it!) you can drink more than one cup a day. That means you can replace your go-to high calorie snacks with a tasty and satisfying cup of alkaline coffee.


5. It Helps You Concentrate


We all know that coffee is a typical drink to choose for the start of a working day. Because it wakes you up and shakes off the brain fog so that you can get your head in the game. But alkaline coffee is even better. Again, that’s because its power doesn’t come from caffeine alone.

The wide variety of plant nutrients, vitamins and amino acids in alkaline coffee support your neurological activity. They help you focus — and many of the ingredients have been proven to improve memory, too.

So alkaline coffee is a way to enjoy the delicious, irresistible aroma and taste of coffee while simultaneously maintaining your body’s levels of a range of essential daily nutrients so that you feel physically well and mentally sharp.


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How to Make Alkaline Coffee


Alkaline coffee is new to shelves of alternative health stores. At the moment there are a couple of prominent brands which you can shop for online. They use 100% Arabica coffee beans which are ground and blended with the ingredients that create an alkaline coffee.

And then you can make it as you would any other coffee! To increase its alkalizing effects and maximize the benefits for your body, use mineral-rich alkaline water for your brew rather than tap water. 

You can increase the alkaline of your coffee by brewing it with water from your DYLN Bottle, which can be done easily at home or on the go. Take your bottle to work with you and use it every time you make a brew.


Are There Any Side Effects?


Alkaline coffee is less likely to cause side effects than non-alkaline coffee. This is because many of coffee’s negative effects come from high levels of caffeine — and as we mentioned earlier, alkaline coffee contains far less caffeine.

However, the base of this drink is still regular coffee. It’s made from coffee beans grown in the same way. So those who suffer from coffee side effects may still experience them from alkaline coffee, particularly if adverse reactions are due to intolerance to coffee itself, rather than caffeine.

So issues to watch out for include: stomach pain and nausea (most likely if you drink coffee on an empty stomach); elevated heart rate and feelings of anxiety; headaches, and trouble falling asleep.


So, Should You Incorporate Alkaline Coffee into Your Diet?


If you love coffee but you want to follow an alkaline diet, then yes!

Coffee is often one of the hardest things to give up when you decide you want to shift into a healthier, alkaline way of eating. But alkaline coffee means you don’t have to give it up. Enjoy that delicious steaming cup of joe, and protect and nourish your body at the same time.  



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