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Grounding: How to Tune Into Earth's Healing Frequency

Our bodies are adapted for direct contact with the earth. But everywhere we go in our modern world we're insulated from the earth; from the tires on our car, to the foundation of our homes, to the shoes on our feet. In this portion of history, we have been kept from the earth’s healing frequency.

Not coincidentally, our mental, emotional, and physical well-being has declined rapidly. We are electrical beings who have been cut off from our main power source: the earth. Let's discuss how grounding--tuning into the earth's frequency--will help you harness its rich healing vibrations for vibrant health.


How To Ground

The best way to ground is to kick off your shoes and walk on the grass. You can practically feel the negative ions flowing into your body, harmonizing your electrical currents. If you have access to a park nearby, lay out for full body contact. Swimming in lakes, rivers, and oceans is another way to ground in total immersion.

For those of us with allergies or other circumstances preventing routine exposure to nature, grounding mats and bedding help to produce the same effect. There are even clever grounding sandals that are highly conductive of the earth’s healing frequencies.

 How Grounding Helps


Dave Asprey, founder of Bulletproof Coffee, eliminated jet lag and increased REM sleep with grounding. Many people around the world are replicating his success with the simple grounding techniques mentioned.

Because of the anecdotal reports, modern science has taken an interest in grounding, or earthing. A study published in May 2015 by the Journal of Inflammation Research cites several cases of non-healing wounds that were cured after grounding therapy. The researchers' conclusion:

“Accumulating experiences and research on earthing, or grounding, point to the emergence of a simple, natural, and accessible health strategy against chronic inflammation, warranting the serious attention of clinicians and researchers. The living matrix, the very fabric of the body, appears to serve as one of our primary antioxidant defense systems. As this report explains, it is a system requiring occasional recharging by conductive contact with the Earth’s surface – the “battery” for all planetary life – to be optimally effective.”

If you want to increase your energy, immunity, and vitality, look deeper into the benefits of grounding and adopt an earthing practice for yourself.

Emotional Wellbeing and Stress

grounding in water

The earth carries a negative electrical charge on its surface, and when our bodies have direct contact with it, we are brought to the same electrical potential. Considering how intertwined our natural rhythms are with the earth, this is a hugely important and overlooked aspect of health.

Recent research has concluded that people who experience “anxiety, emotional stress, panic, fear, headaches, cardiac palpitations, and dizziness” are prime candidates for grounding therapy. This is due to an improved balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system after grounding with the earth. The same study showed an improved trend in several metrics for heart health.

If you’ve been unsuccessful in battling stress, anxiety, and heart health, grounding could be a missing link in your treatment. And if you want to prevent emotional imbalance and cardiac disease, earthing is a proven path for resilience.


Improved blood flow, increased protection against harmful electromagnetic frequencies (wifi, cell tower radiation, etc.), and reduced inflammation are among the many other researched benefits to grounding. So kick off your shoes and tap into the earth's healing vibrations today.

Bonus Tips

  • Moisture increases conductivity—think swimming pools and thunderstorms—so get your earthing time in the dewy morning grass, or after rain.
  • To up your conductivity, drink more water. And make sure you’re drinking living water that actually hydrates your cells; not city sludge from the tap.
  • Try wearing minimalist shoes that you can kick off easier for impromptu earthing time.
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