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Water’s Importance On Our Health and Wellbeing

Water’s Importance On Our Health and Wellbeing

Did you know that your body is made up of more than 99 percent water molecules? According to Dr. Gerald Pollack, this arguably makes water the most important factor to our health. Some of the many functions the water serves for our bodies include:

  • Absorbing and transporting nutrients to different parts of the body
  • Helps to maintain internal body temperature
  • Lubricates joints
  • Flushing the body of toxins via urination
  • Building material for the cells in the body
  • Helping to create saliva which aids in digestion

Drinking Water

As you can see, water works in nearly every part of our body to maintain balance. Let’s explore the different uses of water and how it affects our bodies and can enhance our lives:

Water and Cognitive Functioning

Even a small change in your body’s water percentage can significantly influence your ability to perform complicated tasks. According to American College of Nutrition, 2% dehydration will dramatically impair performance tasks that require attention, psychomotor skills and immediate memory skills.

Water Enhances Exercise

Water can also give you a better workout. Exercising in water increases cardiac output, which increases the blood flow to muscles. Water also provides a natural resistance to movement with low joint impact. Because of this, water is often used for rehabilitation.

Cold Water Immersion Aids in Soreness

As unplesant as it feels, cold water can be remarkably good for you. Studies show that cold water immersion or cryotherapy may stop the development of muscle soreness. This is done by altering the temperature of the muscles and increasing blood flow. Cold water immersion is also proven to alleviate pain because it slows that the electrical response of the nervous system, which signals muscles to develop soreness. 

Water and Fullness

Many times when we think we are hungry, we are just thirsty. Before you reach for a snack consider how much you’ve hydrated that day. Some of the cues you’re actually thirsty include stomach murmuring, emptiness in the stomach, low energy, and even lightheadedness. Studies also indicate that approximately 16 oz of water 30 minutes before mealtime will reduce the amount of calories consumed by adults.

Water Can End Headaches

When you are dehydrated your brain shrinks. As a result, the pain receptors on the membrane of the brain are activated and you experience a headache. This is why you often experience a headache when you are hungover. Ensuring you stay hydrated or hydrating when you have a headache may help.

Water Can Affect Mood

A study done by the Journal of Nutrition tested healthy women’s emotions after being dehydrated. The women demonstrated less confident doing difficult tasks and had higher fatigue. Another study done on men demonstrated similar results but also indicated higher levels of anxiety.

Water Loss in the Body


How is water lost in our bodies? Think of water like fuel. When we use it we burn a little bit off. Because water aids in nearly every bodily function it's not surprising that we are constantly depleting our water reserves, but some activities use more than others.


If you’re not hydrating, your dehydrating. That’s right, we lose 300 to 500 milliliters of fluid a day just by breathing. When we inhale, we add moisture to the air as it passes through our air passageways and as we exhale we release that humidified air into the environment.


Other ways we lose hydration in our body is through caffeine and alcohol consumption. Any kind of drink that increases the amount of urination removes water from our body. Thus, causing dehydration.


The body loses water via sweating. Studies show that for even short bouts of exercise 1.5 to 2 cups of water are necessary to replenish the body. For exercise lasting more than an hour, even greater rehydration is required.

Environmental Factors

High humidity or heat can also lead to increased sweating which causes dehydration. Higher elevations, specifically ones greater than 8,200 feet can trigger increased urination and rapid breathing which can deplete your fluid reserves.


It’s not surprising that water is so important to our health considering up to 60% of the adult human body is water. As a crucial part of our existence be sure you are giving your body the best water possible. Consider the benefits of DYLN Living Water Bottle for alkaline water anywhere. Your body and the planet will thank you.

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