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Thermography & Breast Cancer Detection



Current methods of breast cancer detection rely heavily on the use of physical detection, and while this approach has become pillar in detection of breast cancer, much more is needed.

Since concrete prevention of breast cancer has not become a reality yet, we turn to detection at the earliest stages possible. Thermography, or Digital Infrared Imaging (DII), is a high technology tool that specifically measures inflammation in the body (NaturalNews). Research shows that a major player in all degenerative diseases is inflammation. Increased temperatures  in pre-cancerous tissue and the area surrounding is a common occurrence as cancerous tumors work to get nutrients. The tumors increase circulation to their cells by holding open existing blood vessels, opening dormant vessels, and creating new ones (neoangiogenesis).

Thermographic scanning devices measure your bodies surface temperature and present the findings in a digitalized image. The digital heat map of your body very accurately illustrates heat patterns throughout areas of your body. These patterns detect abnormal conditions like cancer cell growth or active infection.

With any type of cancer, early detection is key. Thermography's ability to detect hotspots may suggest pre-cancerous areas, or signs of cancer very early on in it's stages. Thermography can see cancer formation at the size of 256 cells, roughly the size of a pinhead. Mammograms can`t detect cancer until there are roughly 4 billion cells clumped together. It is estimated that thermography can detect cancer formation 6-10 years before mammography can identify a tumor.

As a company hyper focused on creating and offering innovative products that enliven the body we support and encourage the use of infrared technology as a cancer detector. In addition, check out some super foods that help prevent breast cancer!

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