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The Best Defenses: An Herbal Guide to Boosting Immunity

The Best Defenses: An Herbal Guide to Boosting Immunity


How can you increase your body's immunity? The immune system is responsible for protecting your body against diseases and other conditions. But sometimes, the process is interrupted due to microorganisms that lead to illnesses. You can decrease the chances of this happening. But how? The immune system is not a single thing. It is made up of organs, tissues, bone marrow, skin cells, and blood. It has so many entities that need to function in harmony so that the body works well. There are many ways of boosting your immunity. The most common method is making lifestyle changes.

Ages ago, before conventional medicine was invented, people used to drink herbs to heal ailments. To this day, several herbs have been proven to boost immunity hence decrease the chance of suffering from diseases. This article will focus on herbs and how they boost your body's defense system.


How Do Herbs Benefit The Immune System?



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According to WHO, almost 80% of the earth's population uses herbs for medicinal use, especially in South Asia and Europe. Herbs increase the body's natural immunity because they have anti-inflammatory properties. Both western and traditional expert doctors agree that herbs have immune-boosting powers. They encourage the use of spices and herbs while cooking to boost immunity. You should include them in your daily meals, which would  increase the chance of fighting off infection-causing microorganisms.


Herbs That Boost The Immune System




Garlic has antiviral, antibacterial, and antiprotozoal properties. All these characteristics can help fight respiratory and chest infections. It has a plant compound known as allicin known to make garlic antibacterial. This gives it the ability to fight against microorganisms such as E.coli and salmonella. Additionally, garlic strengthens the digestive system, making it perfect for treating worms and parasites in the gastrointestinal tract. It is commonly known for treating  common cold and  flu, especially when taken raw because of its antiviral properties.


Olive leaf extract 


Photo by Gary Barnes from Pexels


Olive leaf extract has been used for many generations. It comes from olive tree leaves and has many health benefits. According to research, a component known as oleuropein in the extract has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immune-stimulating, and antibacterial properties. It is used for medicinal use when treating specific viruses such as herpes, rotavirus, and mononucleosis. Additionally, it is used to treat cold sores. This extract is proven to control blood sugar levels in people with diabetes and control blood pressure in people with hypertension. It can be taken in the form of tablets, tinctures, and soft gels.




Oregano can help fight bacterial infections. Adding two to three drops of oregano using a dropper to your daily morning smoothie can help fight microorganisms. Carvacrol, an active compound in oregano, is responsible for fighting nasty microorganisms. It supports healthy digestive bacteria. Oregano is also a natural antioxidant since it has phytochemicals that boost the body's resistance. Its antiviral, anti-parasitic, immune-boosting, and antiseptic properties contribute to a healthy immune system. All these properties make it a go-to super herb for many who suffer from colds and flu.




Photo by Ghulam Khairul Bashar from Pexels


Have you heard of the famous moringa tea? If you wonder why it became so popular, it’s because it has so many health benefits. From containing 7 times more vitamin C than oranges to having 15 times more potassium levels than bananas, you can see why it became so popular. Moringa has other nutrients such as proteins, amino acids, calcium, and iron, which help tissue building and regeneration. It also has a lot of antioxidants that boost your body's defense system. According to numerous studies, this tea can help reduce fat in the body and lower blood pressure.




Turmeric is a very powerful herb. It has more than 300 nutrients such as potassium, niacin, beta-carotene, flavonoids, calcium, iron, niacin, zinc, and vitamin C. It has an active compound known as curcumin, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, helping boost immunity. Curcumin is also known for removing toxins in the body, which also aids in the body's defenses. Its antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties promote the growth of healthy bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. There are many ways of using turmeric, but the easiest is adding it to your meals or milk.




Photo by Ghulam Khairul Bashar from Pexels


Neem has been respected as an immune-boosting herb for many years. Its bitter taste is worth the numerous benefits it holds.Neem can control blood sugar levels, help with redness of the eyes, treat irritation, and boost immunity. It has antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties that help fight harmful microorganisms. Furthermore, neem helps in clearing impurities and toxins from the blood hence strengthening immunity. It also reduces the chance of suffering from conditions of the heart, cancer, and the flu.




The astragalus herb has been used for traditional Chinese medicine for decades. It can protect the body from physical and emotional stressors and provide a deep immune support level. Also, it is known for supporting the liver and cellular immune system. This herb can naturally make your body adapt to stress. Other studies show that astragalus can increase the level of white blood cells in the body responsible for fighting against illnesses. It can also fight off infections such as the common cold.




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Echinacea is used for many things. It has medicinal purposes, such as reducing inflammation and relieving pain. It also has antioxidants and antiviral properties. These characteristics make it the perfect herb for boosting the immune system. According to research, taking Echinacea while suffering from a common cold or flu during the onset stage can be beneficial. It reduces pro-inflammatory cytokine levels that are associated with respiratory infections and inflammation. If you feel like you have been exposed to many bacteria and other microorganisms, “Echinacea is the best herb to take”. 




The HPA axis (hypothalamic, pituitary, adrenal), which regulates the immune system's response to stress, can be strengthened by taking ginseng. Extreme stress can tamper with the immune system, so it is crucial to have a strong HPA axis to reduce stress levels on the immune system. Ginseng can also control immune cells such as B cells, T cells, and macrophages hence keeping the immune system balanced. It is a very strong herb that requires a herbalist professional's consultation before incorporating it into your regimen. It can be consumed as tea or capsules.





Photo by Bluebird Provisions on Unsplash


Reishi is a type of mushroom also known as Lingchi. Reishi contains beta-glucans that can stimulate various cells found in the immune system, including dendritic cells, natural killer t cells, and monocytes. Once these cells are stimulated, they are better at detecting and killing infections. Evidence shows that the beta-glucans have anti-tumor properties, which means they can stop cancer cell growth. More research needs to be carried out to understand all the benefits of these mushrooms. You can take them as capsules or powder.


Other Ways Of Boosting Immunity


As stated earlier, there are many ways of boosting immunity. One way this article must include is drinking alkaline water. People often ask whether alkaline water is better than regular war and the answer is yes. Alkaline water is easily absorbed in the body and neutralizes toxic compounds in the body. Regular intake of alkaline water improves how the circulatory system works, which in turn boosts immunity. If you want the full experience of alkaline hydration, get yourself a DYLN Bottle that increases water pH levels in minutes.



Herbs are one of the best ways to increase immunity levels. They have antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that assist in fighting off diseases. Others have antiviral, antifungal and anti-tumor properties. You should definitely think about adding herbs in your daily diet. Additionally, you still need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Ensure to exercise, maintain healthy eating habits and drink plenty of water.

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